What's in my Hospital Bag

While it’s impossible to know exactly what I’ll need while I’m delivering Baby J at the hospital, I received amazing recommendations from my sister, my girlfriends, and my “expecting mama’s” group. So, I’m sharing it here!

One tip that I loved from my mama friend was that we should have the hospital bag mostly ready a few weeks before we are due, but we can add to it while contractions start or even after water breaks (if it breaks at all!). It’s not like the movies where you have to grab and go! There will be time to add toiletries, last minute items, etc.

PLUS, don’t forget to bring an extra empty bag for take home supplies! Remember, after you leave they have to throw everything away, so take as much as you want!

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Bag for Mom/Dad


Clear pouch filled with all necessary paperwork, makes it super easy for your partner to find these items if/when needed. If you put all of this in a firm clear large pouch, you will also have a safe place to bring the birth certificate home in (and all of the other hospital paperwork you receive when discharged).. You can think about adding your Insurance Card, Photo ID, and  Birth Plan (if you have one!)


The biggest advice I received is to bring clothing that is loose fitting, comfortable, and dark in color.

  • Cozy Robe (I’m bringing this or this)

  • Pajamas

  • Nursing Tank 

  • Comfortable Joggers

  • Comfortable tops with easy access for breastfeeding and comfort around the waist

  • Your favorite Hoodie, Sweatshirt or Sweater

  • Postpartum Undies (& this brand came highly recommended)

  • Grippy Socks and Fuzzy Socks

  • Slippers you’re OK throwing away after (found these inexpensive ones on amazon)

  • Vaginal Delivery Items (the hospital will have a lot of this, but if you want to bring your own, this kit was recommended)


I will be putting all toiletries in my Cuyana makeup and travel bags.

  • Prenatal Vitamins (I’ll be bringing the remainder of my 3rd Trimester Perelel Pack)

  • Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion, Deodorant, Toothpaste & Toothbrush, and Minimal Makeup 

  • Nipple Cream 

  • Pads (hospital will have these but if you want something you’re comfortable with, bring you own!)

  • Eye mask for sleeping (if you get any of that!)

  • Heating Pad

  • Shower Flip Flops/Shoes 

  • Hair Ties and Hair Brush 


  • Blanket & Pillow(s)

  • Towel

  • Healthy and Energy-filled Snacks (I’ll be packing trail mix, lara bars, and dark chocolate)

  • Water Bottle and/or Yeti with LONG bendable straw

Tech Items

Bag for Baby


The hospital will have swaddles, blankets, and clothes that you can use for babe, but if you’d like to bring some of your own, here’s a small list:


Katie Jacobs