My Must-Have Baby Products
Having your second child (and I assume every child after the first) is a very different experience. There’s no baby shower, there’s no registry full of every item you can imagine and you may not even have your hospital bag packed until 15 minutes before you leave for the hospital. BUT, that’s because you realize all of the “stuff” isn’t really necessary. Your love, comfort, milk, and home are all your really baby needs. That said, there are still some tried and true products that I’ve been loving the second time around…
Artipoppe Carrier: Putting Henry in a baby carrier has been a necessity with a toddler running around. Whether it be making breakfast or dinner in the kitchen, going for walks outside, or even doing the laundry around the house — I’ve been putting Henry in the carrier which allows him to snuggle me while also being hands free. It’s a win-win for both of us!
Snuggle Me: I much prefer the snuggle me over the popular “doc a tot” product. It’s a perfect fit for the newborn phase and both Daphne and Henry loved it!
Avent Bottles: Every baby loves a different bottle. With Daphne, we tried about every single one on the market and she finally loved the Como Tomo. Henry has enjoyed the Avent Bottles from day one, so that’s what we’re sticking too (for now!)
Spectra Pump & Mini Fridge: I’m exclusively pumping Henry (as I did with Daphne), so my Spectra Pump comes in clutch, but the most exciting change this time around is a little mini fridge I have in our primary bathroom! After walking up and down our stairs to the kitchen way too many times in the first week of Henry’s life I quickly purchased this on Amazon. Now, I can keep my milk in this little fridge and make bottles very quickly for overnight feeds.
Lactatation Cookies: I love snacking on these cookies in the first few months postpartum. Not only does it help in milk production but it’s a quick and easy snack to munch on!
Doona: We’re using the Doona again for our newborn carseat. It’s one of my absolute favorite products ever! Can’t recommend enough!
Bouncer: With a toddler and a newborn at home, having a little bouncer around has been hugely helpful for the moments when I do need to set Henry down to help Daphne with something. I love this cheap on from amazon because it’s inexpensive and gets the job done.