Traveling with a Baby

I want to start by saying, I am not an expert when it comes to traveling with babies, but I have done so a few times with Daphne now (and at all different stages), so sharing some recommendations below…

Age 2 Months:

Daphne was a dream flyer at this stage because she was sleeping and eating most of the day. I on the other hand was pumping in airport bathrooms and coordinating my breast milk in different coolers, which was not so fun!

My favorite baby gear item for traveling is the Doona (which is a traveler stroller and carseat all rolled into one! As my nephews say, “It’s a transformer!”) It’s a necessity in the City, but if you are planning to travel at all with your baby, it’s definitely worth purchasing. We had an early morning flight, so I grabbed Daphne out of her crib and put her right into the Doona (in her PJs and all) for our trip to the airport. After arriving, we checked our bags and I kept her in the Doona up until we got to security. At this point, they make you take your child out of any stroller as you have to physically hold them while you walk through the metal detectors. Your bag will likely get checked while going through security because of any milk, cooler, formula situation you have going on, so be patient and allow for extra time. After going through security, I put Daphne in the Artipoppe carrier as we walked to our gate.

While the Doona can fit in your airplane seat, we’ve always opted to gate check it instead (and purchased the travel bag to keep it from being damaged). Once we got on the plane, we fed her and she napped on my chest for most of the flight. We offered Daphne milk during takeoff and landing as we heard it helps with their ears.

As for diaper changes, I tried to do so in the airport bathrooms (rather than on the airplane itself) because there is much more room!


Diapers, Diaper Wipes, Water Wipes, Butt Paste, Dog Baggies to put dirty diapers in

Change of clothes for Daphne, Change of clothes for Mommy (incase of an accident or spit up on me!)

At this point we were still breast feeding, so I had breast milk in a small cooler + empty bottles outside of the cooler for when she was ready to eat (make sure to bring way more food than you plan on just incase you have a delay!) I also had to pack my pump stuff in this bag (which took up a lot of room!)

Lastly, a few teethers (like sophie) and a pacifier if you use one.

Age 6 Months:

Traveling at this stage definitely becomes more challenging. Every baby is very different, but our little girl needs to be entertained and she can only sleep in her crib (no longer on me!) so, she was awake the entire flight, and had to be doing something every second! It was quite exhausting if I’m being honest, so direct flights are KEY!

We stuck to the same schedule as above in terms of using the Doona and the Carrier while checking in, going through security, and finding our gate. By this age, I would recommend buying a seat for your little one. While it’s not necessary, they are definitely moving a lot — my husband spent most of the flight standing in the aisle so Daphne could play in his seat!


Diapers, Diaper Wipes, Water Wipes, Butt Paste, Dog Baggies to put dirty diapers in

Change of clothes for Daphne

Breast Milk in Cooler + Water + Formula (as we were supplementing)

Extra Bottles

Pump Stuff

LOTS of toys and books to keep her occupied (and it still wasn’t enough!) Some of Daphne’s favorite’s at 6 months were Where’s the Narwhal, I Love You, and Sea Tails Soft book. For teethers she loved the smiley star and we also brought some toys from home.

Age 9 Months:

Traveling at 9 months was very similar to our experience at 6 months. Daphne continues to be a crib sleeper, so she was wide awake the entire flight. I will say, morning flights tend to be much better for flying than afternoon or evening flights for us. We had a 3 hour direct flight to the Dominican Republic and while she didn’t nap, she enjoyed herself on the plane. She also had her own seat, which helped a lot. She bounced around from my lap, to her own seat and enjoyed playing!

(We stuck to the same schedule as above in terms of using the Doona and the Carrier while checking in, going through security, and finding our gate.)


Diapers, Diaper Wipes, Water Wipes, Butt Paste, Dog Baggies to put dirty diapers in

Change of clothes for Daphne

BOTTLES: At this point she was drinking formula, so I packed multiple bottles with the formula already in the bottle and then just poured in bottled water at room temp when she was ready to eat.

Extra Bottles + Formula just in case

SNACKS: Daphne loves Puffworks, Serenity Puffs, Fruit, and Cheerios. We brought an assortment for the flight as it’s an activity that keeps her busy for 15 minute increments

TOYS/BOOKS: We’re in a big Peek-A-Boo phase so I bought Baby Faces and Dear Zoo (both big hits!), as well as these fun socks which kept her busy for quite a while. I also packed some of her favorite toys from home.

Every baby is so different, and while traveling with them feels very overwhelming and anxiety-inducing, its true that the more you do it, the more comfortable you will be. I’ve also found people to be extremely friendly — everyone loves a baby! You’re going to do great!! Good luck!

Katie Jacobs